
Welcome to My Mommy Thoughts. I originally created this blog to document our lives hosting foreign exchange students in our home but I quickly discovered a passion for writing and blogging. This blog has become a little bit of everything.

So sit back, relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy!!


Me and My Hubby

Me and My Hubby

My Loves

My Loves

The Princess - Maggie

The Princess - Maggie

The Ruler - Who Dey

The Ruler - Who Dey

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Personal Patience

"WHATEVER happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. "
                 ~Philippians 1:27

This verse has hit me hard this week so I knew that I had to share it. It is SO easy for us to get down in whatever is going on in life. Life brings us down. It is easier to get brought down than it is to be lifted up. We're human. That's the way life happens. But this verse very simply reminds me that NO MATTER what happens or what I/we are going through, we should praise God. I know, much easier said than done. But this is my focus and my goal for now.

Life is still so up in the air for us right now. It's so frustrating. It's easy to blame Keith or get mad at Keith (which I don't - only in my head) but by any means, it is not Keith's fault. I know that God has HUGE plans for our life. Not sure what they are, but they are HUGE, and great! I feel it coming!! And I am excited about it. But only in God's time will it happen. It may be 6 months or a year from now, who knows? God knows!

My biggest weakness is patience. God did not give me a lot of patience when it comes to something I want to do or something I want to happen. My Momma would 100% agree with me on that statement. I have lots of patience with people, elderly and sick - which is why everyone says I would make a great nurse, but I do not have personal patience. That's what I am gonna call it - personal patience. I do have a dream to go to nursing school ... maybe that will happen one day.

God has been doing some great things in our life recently. One being a car for Keith. This was a HUGE blessing for us. Keith sold his car 2 years ago; one reason was it was about to require some major work done and two, we needed the money to build Noah's bedroom and Maggie a fence. Since the selling of it, he has been driving my GrandDaddy's 1985 Toyota truck. While it was a great truck back in it's day, it is on its last life. GrandDaddy had already driven the wheels off of it when he died. In fact, he was getting ready to buy a new truck when we found out he had cancer. He decided to wait until after his surgery, and well, that didn't go according to our plan. But, anyway. Keith has be gracious enough not to complain and drive the little "putt-putt" truck. Maggie loves the truck and the two of them looked great riding in it. It was a picture from a magazine.  

We have been looking for a car for Keith without looking for a car. I honestly figured that we would get something for Noah and I and Keith would take my car. We found out a couple of weeks ago that a family friend had a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee that they did not drive and had considered selling. We instantly jumped on the opportunity. Keith and GrandDanny went to look at it on a Friday and Saturday night it was ours. Boy, it feels great to pay cash for a car. This Jeep was nothing but a pure God thing!!! Keith is loving driving it -- no, I did not get the Jeep. Keith deserves it! Besides, he seems to be driving Noah more lately than I do! Oh, did I mention that I found a car seat at the Thrift Store for $9.99?? It was is perfect condition and fits Noah perfectly. Just needed a good cleaning!

Keith is still looking for a ministry position without actively looking for a ministry position. I know, that doesn't make sense. He would LOVE to be a full-time recreation minister but knows that he must complete seminary first. He has started the application process for seminary and is following the correct steps to get to that point. We know several people who are full-time ministers who have found positions in other cities and states. It is a scary thought to think God may have a church for us outside of Alabama. If He does, then off we will go. Would that be my first choice, absolutely not!!! I asked Keith if I could preference a few cities that would be my first choice! Ha, I know that is not how it happens though.

So, we are ready to tackle whatever God has in store for us - the good, the bad and the ugly! I am again learning personal patience. Boy, God has such a sense of humor with me and my personal patience!!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the Funderburg family in living life in the real world. Good luch with getting into seminary sounds like a good fit.
